Sunday PM Service 11/03/2024 | Revelation 22:6 The Great Message of Revelation | One Accord Church |

Nov 3, 2024    Pastor Ray Williams

1) The message of Revelation is trustworthy and true

2) The message of Revelation will bring a blessing to the person who studies and obeys the prophecies of the book.

3) The message of Revelation stirs worship.

4)      The message of Revelation is to be read and studied.

5)      The message of Revelation focuses upon the Lord’s return and judgment to come.

6)      The message of Revelation tells us who will be accepted by the Lord.

7)      The message of Revelation tells us who will be rejected by the Lord.

8)      The message of Revelation is proclaimed by Jesus Christ Himself.

9)      The message of Revelation offers the greatest invitation ever extended to man.

10)   The message of Revelation must not be tampered with.

11)   The message of Revelation closes with the greatest of all assurances.

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